মঙ্গলবার, ৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Green Tea and Weight loss


green tea and weight lossGreen tea and weight loss seem to go hand in hand. The best part is it is easy to maintain just a few cups of tea a day. Can?t get any easier than that. Plus I do love the face that the old saying no pain no gain does not apply.

Clinical studies suggest that green tea extract may boost metabolism and help burn fat. One study confirmed that the
combination of green tea and caffeine improved weight loss and maintenance in overweight and moderately obese individuals.
Some researchers speculate that substances in green tea known as polyphenols, specifically the catechins, are responsible
for the herb?s fat-burning effect.
University of Maryland Medical Center

In 2009 in China there was a study that concluded that ? regular consumption of green tea with very high catechin
content can, over a 90-day period, significantly reduce body weight, body fat mass and waist size in moderately
overweight Chinese individuals? Medical news Today

I? only? quoted? two studies but in nearly all the studies that have been done in recent years have concluded that green tea decrease fat mass and body weight.
To see more benefits of drinking green tea read my other article on green tea benefits


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About editor Yolanda Kennedy - offers financial services to consumers who are interested in creating more money or managing the money they already have. To contact her go to http://wellnessauthority.org/contact . Favorite quote ?Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.? Maimonides

Source: http://wellnessauthority.org/green-tea-and-weight-loss/

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