Podcast can be very good tools that can help you to generate more income from the internet. A lot of people do not know that it is easier to make money with this tool than a lot of other popular methods. It does not take long to build a list and start your business. This article will discuss how beginners as well as experienced online marketers can make money with podcasts.
Easy To Create
Even if you have never made a podcast before, you can easily make one and get it running in less than one hour. You do not have to learn any complex programming or codes. They are as easy as setting up a blog on a free platform like blogger or WordPress. Another benefit is that your podcasts are hosted permanently on the internet and will be available for a very long time. This is much better than sending out newsletters to your lists. People who listen to your newer podcasts can always search for and get access to your older productions.
Competition Is Lower
You can make money with podcasts because the market has not become as crowded as other means of online marketing. There is still a lot of room for you to make your mark in your niche. The major podcasts search engine is iTunes and productions are rated by stars. You are ranked according to the number of 5-star ratings that are given to you by your listeners. You can easily get better ratings by asking your listeners to provide 4 or 5-star ratings and also leave comments. You can quickly build up a list of subscribers who will give you high ratings and iTunes will rank you higher.
Great Traffic Source
Podcasts are very valuable tools for driving traffic to your blog or website. All you have to do is to inform the listeners at the beginning and the end of the podcast that they can visit your site for more information. This works very well for URLs that are easy to remember.
Another way to generate traffic is to upload your podcasts to podomatic. This site will create a page for you and you can leave notes on your page. Your notes will contain your URL and a brief explanation of what you do. The podomatic page can also be linked to your iTunes page.
Building Your List
When you host podcasts on free services such as podomatic, you will be provided with a facility that allows listeners to sign up for your list so as to get updates from you. You can take advantage of this opportunity by customizing the email that is sent to people on your list. Include your website URL as well as your iTunes page. This is how simple it is to make money with podcasts. Therefore, whether you are new to online marketing or you are a seasoned marketer who is searching for new ways to get more traffic, you should give thought to using podcasts. They are simple and are free to use.
Source: http://megaincomestream.com/how-to-make-money-with-podcasts/
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