Guest Post: Cool Automotive Technology!,
In a world of technology which dazzles the mind and baffles the senses, losing sight of older and more weather machines is all-too-easy. Things we use every day without much thought or contemplation are very often the most marvelous machines we own. Perhaps the prime example of such technology is the car.?
Your car is a veritable powerhouse of ingenious inventions which function together to propel you across countries in mere days. All of this is rolled into one convenient instrument which is the product of decades of innovation and improvement. Listed below are some of the more spectacular mechanisms in your car.
One of the most appreciated components in your car is the air conditioning system. A typical air conditioning system is actually made of five separate components: The compressor, condenser, receiver-dryer, expansion valve, and evaporator. In this system, vaporized refrigerant is put under pressure so that it turns into a liquid. Moisture is removed from the liquid to prevent ice crystals. The liquid is then depressurized, and turned back into a vapor. When this happens, the refrigerant cools down dramatically. Fans blow resulting cool air into the car, and the system carries the refrigerant with absorbed heat back into the air conditioning system where the process starts all over again.
Arguably the most important component in your car is the engine. Most engines nowadays are combustion engines, which use what is known as a four-stroke combustion cycle, also known as the Otto cycle, to convert liquid fuel into mechanical energy. In the engine, a device called the piston is attached to the crankshaft by a connecting rod. In the piston shaft, a controlled explosion occurs, propelling the piston downwards. This moves the crankshaft, which rotates. The rotation pushes the piston back up, which, in turn, pushes out the ?exhaust?. The piston goes down once more, bringing fuel and air into the piston shaft. When the piston comes back up again, the fuel is ignited by a spark plug causing an explosion. The cycle repeats. The rotational movement produced by the pistons in the engine is what makes the wheels turn, moving your car.
If the engine which makes your car move isn?t the most important part of your car, then the brakes which stop your car are. Your leg muscles simply are not powerful enough to stop a 4,000 pound machine in its tracks. When you apply pressure to the brake pedal, the force is amplified through a complicated system of hydraulics. The force eventually reaches the brake pads, which stop the tires by pressing against a disk in the wheel. This, of course, keeps traffic controlled, and people alive.
Bio: Dollie is an expert in the car industry, she blogs about cars at A company that will help you sell your car for cash.
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