মঙ্গলবার, ১০ জানুয়ারী, ২০১২

Community honors victims in 2011 Tuscon shooting

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RALEIGH -- The Raleigh community came together Sunday evening to honor and remember the victims of last year's mass shooting in Tuscon, Az. The shooting rampage killed six people and injured 13, including Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

Those in attendance say they're tired of hearing people say that nothing can be done to prevent gun violence.

"First off, let's stop the existing weakening of existing gun laws,? said Roxane Kolar, the executive director of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence. ?North Carolina at a time had very strong gun laws and what we keep seeing is these efforts to peel them back, to have them weaker and weaker and dismantle them, and bring them down to the lowest common denominator.?

Sixty seven similar vigils took place Sunday in 22 cities across the country. It's part of the national Too Many Victims campaign.

Source: http://triangle.news14.com/content/top_stories/652191/community-honors-victims-in-2011-tuscon-shooting

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